

星期二, 九月 30, 2008

自在语 --- 圣严法师

“忙”没关系, 不烦"就好。



PS:有时间就珍惜看书特别是读佛书, 别忘了佛陀说的:深入经藏,智慧如海。如有空档就拿观世音菩萨普门品,功德无量。

星期三, 九月 24, 2008



阿严最近很爱拍照, 这是其中艺术照之一.美吗?

忙了整半天缝爱人的工作的长裤, 他放工回来就切芒果慰劳了, 真是很甜的芒果啊.
上人说: 人要常常每天的反省, 才会知道自己的福是有多少, 而不是在跟别人比较....
我们要修身心才能得福德, 不要只修福报, 而忘了修心的重要性.


大米酱大了还要我跟她玩猫喂老鼠, 真是的...

Msia International Basketball champ

korea team with the most smart coach (wear tie n overcoat)

Singaporean players, blue shirt is Daren Ng Liren he is a partime doctor, fulltime basketball player! The tallest boy is called Eric (mum is korean, dad is american), he is very friendly and nice man

visiting the twin tower skybridge with korea team, all players are from university khungHee, average age is 20 years old

Eric again with Singapore Jessey No. 14

little han han is very cute looks like korean girl oh

星期四, 九月 18, 2008


星期三, 九月 10, 2008

pictures for ah simo

pulai perdana handsome boy
one little two little three little indian ....
three little four little five little indian ....
eggs became big birds
little yanyan with flower and she is the big hand helping me cooking, washing cloths, mop floor and the sister is too lazy and also eat snake ... no eye see

dear mei,

i hv try for u and chichi these picutres are for testing ok. the two birds now is tua han and always flying to our garden and playing n singing ... really very big size liaw

more pictures for chichi

i think this is a mei best photo i have ...
before the wedding start, the young boy look smart n okay
this is after finishing the yam shing, see what is the different
three pretty malacca ladies plus one ipoh ah sho!!!
see the between ladies are protected by hero from ipoh and liang zai from m city

dear chichi,

I found that until today i dun hv ur email address oh. pls send

mail to me at tlc4908@yahoo.com as i can mail to ur when i really free k.

P/S: Meimei, i found that i dont have your any nice photo leh, will find later for u and upload to my blogger, will visit ur blog when free ... jia you